Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Stormy Summer!

I have heard that April showers bring May Flowers but instead this spring was pretty nice and summer has been really bad!! We have had continuous storms. Last week it stormed EVERY day. Most of the storms were fast and scary. One night we woke up to the cell phone beeping, it was a tornado warning for our area so we got up and turned on the news...boy was it a long night!!!! The news said there was strong rotation heading our way, the worst they had ever seen and it was so dark they couldn't confirm a tornado or funnel cloud so we should take cover immediately. We prepped the pantry and while the kids slept (we didnt want to wake them unless we had too!)we watched the TV ready to jump at any second...thank goodness it took a right turn and headed south and broke up fairly soon after that.
I have never seen such violent weather. I don't like it at all!! I love a good thunderstorm at night occasionally but this is getting out of control. We have had a couple good days so hopefully maybe these storms are over for now.

Below are some photos I took last week of the storms!

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